Showing posts with label job market. Show all posts
Showing posts with label job market. Show all posts

Friday, July 21, 2023

Tailor Your AI Experience with Custom Instructions: ChatGPT Gets Personal!


Hey there, reader!

Today, we're going to dive into an exciting feature of ChatGPT that will elevate your experience even further - custom instructions! Let's explore how this feature allows you to tailor ChatGPT's responses to your preferences and make your conversations even more personalized.

**What are Custom Instructions?**

Custom instructions give you the power to tell ChatGPT exactly what you want it to consider when generating responses. This means you can set the context and tone for your conversations with the AI. It's like having a direct conversation with the AI and guiding it to respond just the way you like.

**How to Use Custom Instructions**

Using custom instructions is easy, and you can access it based on your device:

1. **iOS**: Head to ChatGPT Account Settings and look for the Custom Instructions section. There, you can input your preferred instructions.

2. **Web**: Simply click on your name and select "Custom Instructions." Then, enter your desired instructions in both fields and hit "Save."

**Benefits of Custom Instructions**

The greatest benefit of custom instructions is personalization. You can define how formal or casual ChatGPT should be, the preferred length of responses, how you want to be addressed, and whether the AI should have opinions on topics or remain neutral. It's like having your very own AI assistant tailored to your preferences!

**Your Data Privacy**

We understand how important data privacy is, and we want to assure you that your custom instructions won't be shared with shared link viewers. You can edit or delete your instructions at any time, ensuring complete control over your conversations.

Additionally, information from your use of custom instructions helps improve the model's performance. It teaches ChatGPT to adapt its responses to your instructions without overdoing it, making future interactions even more in line with your preferences.


1. **Character Limit**: Each response in the custom instruction has a limit of 1500 characters, so you have plenty of space to share your preferences.

2. **Data Export**: Your custom instructions are included in your ChatGPT data export, keeping everything in one place for your convenience.

3. **Deleting Account**: If you delete your OpenAI account, custom instructions tied to your account will be deleted within 30 days as part of the process.

4. **Real-time Changes**: If you change your custom instructions in the middle of a conversation, you'll need to start a new chat to see the changes reflected.

5. **Plugin Influence**: Custom instructions also influence the output from plugins, making the overall experience more cohesive and tailored.

So there you have it - custom instructions to enhance your conversations with ChatGPT! Embrace this exciting feature and make the AI work exactly the way you want. Whether it's a friendly chat or a more formal interaction, ChatGPT is here to adapt to your preferences and provide you with an exceptional experience.

Feel free to explore this feature and let me know how it's making your interactions with ChatGPT even better. As always, I am here to answer any questions you may have. Happy chatting!

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 Check out my books on Amazon: 

Maximizing Productivity and Efficiency: Harnessing the Power of AI ChatBots (ChatGPT, Microsoft Bing, and Google Bard): Unleashing Your Productivity Potential: An AI ChatBot Guide for Kids to Adults

Diabetes Management Made Delicious: A Guide to Healthy Eating for Diabetic: Balancing Blood Sugar and Taste Buds: A Diabetic-Friendly Recipe Guide

The Path to Success: How Parental Support and Encouragement Can Help Children Thrive

Middle School Mischief: Challenges and Antics that middle school students experience and Navigate

Tuesday, January 17, 2023

Humanizing the Future: How to Prepare Children for the AI Revolution

Get ready to laugh and learn, folks! The future is knocking on our door and it's packed with artificial intelligence. But before you panic, let's take a trip down memory lane to see how education has evolved during past revolutions. From plowing fields to programming robots, I'll show you the skills needed to thrive. So sit back, relax, and prepare to be amazed as I explore the evolution from the Agricultural to the AI Revolution.

Get ready for a trip down memory lane - or should we say, revolution lane! From farming with our bare hands to chatting with robots, the world has sure come a long way. And with each revolution, the skills needed to succeed have evolved right along with it. In this blog, we'll take a hilarious look at the history of work skills, from the Agricultural Revolution to the AI Revolution. We'll see how the education system has tried (and sometimes failed) to keep up, and what you can do to make sure your kiddos are ready for the future...where robots might just be the boss.

Oh boy, imagine working on a farm back in 10,000 BCE. No Netflix, no TikTok, just good old manual labor. But hey, at least you didn't have to hit the gym to get your daily workout - farming did the trick. And if you were lucky enough to land an apprenticeship, you'd get to learn the ropes from a seasoned farmer. Although, with no fancy schools around, you pretty much had to rely on on-the-job training. But hey, at least you could save money on tuition fees!

Oh man, the Industrial Revolution was a wild time! It was like the Wild West of work, where anyone with technical skills was the cowboy in charge. And if you weren't quick on the draw with adapting to new technologies, you were left behind like a tumbleweed in the wind. Thank goodness for those fancy new schools, teaching all the skills needed to work the hootin' and hollerin' machines of industry. Yeehaw!

Ha! The Internet Revolution was a hoot! Instead of horseback rides to deliver messages, we had websites and email! The most sought-after skills were suddenly computer skills, not just being able to mosey around the web, but galloping with lightning speed through software programs. If you weren't tech-savvy, you were left behind like a wagon on a dusty trail. Lucky for us, the education system hopped on the bandwagon and started teaching computer skills, so even grandmas and grandpas could join in on the digital stampede!

Well folks, buckle up, because the AI Revolution is here and it's causing a rodeo in the job market! Suddenly, it's not just about having traditional skills, it's about having a knack for artificial intelligence too. And let's be real, as AI gets smarter, some of those old skills might be about as useful as a ten-gallon hat in a spacesuit. But don't worry, we need to make sure the next generation is ready for this AI-fuelled world. We gotta give them the skills they need, but also let them keep their unique human traits like emotional intelligence, good judgement, and strong ethics. That way, they can have a future as bright as a rodeo star's belt buckle!

Now, what do y'all think about that?

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Check out my books on Amazon : 

Maximizing Productivity and Efficiency: Harnessing the Power of AI ChatBots (ChatGPT, Microsoft Bing, and Google Bard): Unleashing Your Productivity Potential: An AI ChatBot Guide for Kids to Adults

Diabetes Management Made Delicious: A Guide to Healthy Eating for Diabetic: Balancing Blood Sugar and Taste Buds: A Diabetic-Friendly Recipe Guide

The Path to Success: How Parental Support and Encouragement Can Help Children Thrive

Middle School Mischief: Challenges and antics that middle school students experience and navigate

Navigating Ethical Waters: A Day in the Digital Life of LLM's

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